Corona virus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act

CARES Act – Corona virus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act, passed in 3/27/2020, funded the PPP and EIDL program with $349 Billion and $10 Billion respectively. Both programs are intended to assist business owners during the COVID-19 crisis. Given the popularity of these programs, on 4/16/2020 the government passed the Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement Act. This Act provides additional funding for PPP and EIDL – $310 billion and $60 Billion respectively.

CARES Act Loan Advantages

  • Principal Forgiveness

    The borrower does not have to return all the principal amount

  • No SBA Fees

    The SBA does not charge fees normally associated with such loans

  • Payment Deferral For Months

    The program offers great lending terms which are not available in the private market, such as partial forgiveness, no SBA fees, and months of payment deferral

  • Excellent Funding Likelihood

    The CARES Act underwriting terms were design to make these loans available to as many businesses as possible

Keystone Financial Services

Part-time CFO, Keystone Financial Services

Keystone Financial Services

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KFS Professionals have decades of experience with middle market companies, financial management, and capital markets. We bring outside perspective and best practice knowledge to each engagement.

KFSI seeks to move the needle in your business by delivering tangible deliverables in defined period of time. We provide focused services that will accelerate growth, optimize operations, increase profitability, or facilitate a more successful transaction.

KFSI provides high quality financial services for a fraction of the cost of a comparably-experienced in-house staff. We offer cost-effective solutions for businesses who need the financial expertise, but currently cannot justify the cost of full time staff.

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